POC详情: c08db123b150a6e255abfd89b57a06d488cb84a7

标题: urllib3 信息泄露漏洞 (CVE-2023-43804)
描述:urllib3是一款Python HTTP库。该产品具有线程安全连接池、文件发布支持等。 urllib3存在信息泄露漏洞,该漏洞源于在跨源重定向期间不会剥离Cookie请求标头,导致HTTP重定向将信息泄漏到其他源。受影响的产品和版本:urllib3 2至2.0.5版本,1.26.16及之前版本。
Example of how CVE-2023-43804 works with real python code.
# PoC
Example of how CVE-2023-43804 works with real python code.

Explaining `CVE-2023-43804/server.py` and `CVE-2023-43804/example.py`

In `server.py` I created a simple website that redirects you to google.com, so make sure to run `server.py` first before trying `example.py`.

In `example.py` I added a cookie to the request header, so when you try to request `` (it's a local website we created via `python server.py`) you will be redirected to google.com, after that when reading `Cookies` you will find that your cookies been redirected too to be with your cookies on google.com.

This bug is fixed on URLLIB3 2.0.6, having any older version may expose to attackers.

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[4.0K] /data/pocs/c08db123b150a6e255abfd89b57a06d488cb84a7 ├── [4.0K] CVE-2023-43804 │   ├── [ 605] example.py │   └── [ 232] server.py └── [1.1K] README.md 1 directory, 3 files
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