POC详情: c3042894f118ab691b448e9dfdee2b23bfa3964d

标题: Qualcomm Adreno GPU缓冲区错误漏洞 (CVE-2020-11179)
描述:Qualcomm Adreno GPU是美国高通(Qualcomm)公司的一个移动平台集成的GPU。 Qualcomm Adreno GPU存在安全漏洞,该漏洞允许攻击者可以通过在禁用保护模式的情况下运行GPU命令从用户区域读取和写入任意物理地址,从而导致任意代码执行。
My independent work from the poc created by P0 researcher Ben Hawkes \
Original article: https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2020/09/attacking-qualcomm-adreno-gpu.html

My goal is to convert his poc to C, and continue where he left off
and turn the poc into either a root shell, \
or a kernel r/w, and then change the system somehow to show kernel exec. 

current output: \
sunfish:/data/local/tmp $ ./adrenaline                                                                                              
starting adrenaline_rptr_child \
rptr base is 0xfc0df000 \
starting adrenaline \
starting adrenaline_parent \
starting adrenaline_child

test device: pixel 4a \
android 10 on build QD4A.2000317.027

- work on context switch and race condition 
- to achieve kernel code exec

[4.0K] /data/pocs/c3042894f118ab691b448e9dfdee2b23bfa3964d ├── [ 24K] adrenaline.c ├── [4.4K] adrenaline.h ├── [ 874] debug.txt ├── [ 34K] LICENSE ├── [ 454] Makefile ├── [ 794] README.md └── [ 264] run.sh 0 directories, 7 files
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