POC详情: c44ec065efe138cce89026c2dc30ffe2e30396dd

标题: Square OkHttp 安全漏洞 (CVE-2016-2402)
描述:Square OkHttp是美国Square公司的一套用于Android系统和Java应用程序的HTTP和HTTP /2客户端软件。该软件支持同步阻塞调用和回调的异步调用、响应缓存避免网络重复请求等。 Square OkHttp 2.7.4之前的版本和3.1.2之前的3.x版本中存在安全漏洞。攻击者可利用该漏洞实施中间人攻击,绕过证书锁定。
Simple script for testing CVE-2016-2402 and similar flaws
# cert pinning flaw POC

Simple POC script for testing CVE-2016-2402 and similar flaws. Read [my blog post](https://koz.io/pinning-cve-2016-2402) for details.

This utility will set up a HTTPS server that servers a malicious certificate chain to the client for a specific domain.

If traffic from an app with a vulnerable certificate pinning implementation is redirected to this server, 
the pinning control will be bypassed and you should be able to see a GET or a POST request in the server console.

By default, this uses a hardcoded CA certificate and key (CA_CERT.pem and CA_KEY.pem files).

You can change these, use the following command to generate a new pair.

`openssl req -x509 -days 1825 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -outform pem -keyout CA_KEY.key -out CA_CERT.pem`

You will want to insert CA_CERT.pem to the platform being tested.

John Kozyrakis

[4.0K] /data/pocs/c44ec065efe138cce89026c2dc30ffe2e30396dd ├── [1.2K] CA_CERT.pem ├── [1.7K] CA_KEY.pem ├── [5.7K] cert-pinning-flaw-poc.py ├── [1.1K] LICENSE └── [ 856] README.md 0 directories, 5 files
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