VMware vCenter Server 安全漏洞
描述:VMware vCenter Server是美国威睿(VMware)公司的一套服务器和虚拟化管理软件。该软件提供了一个用于管理VMware vSphere环境的集中式平台,可自动实施和交付虚拟基础架构。 VMware vCenter Server存在安全漏洞,该漏洞源于存在经过身份验证的远程代码执行漏洞,攻击者可能会利用此漏洞在底层操作系统上运行任意命令。
# CVE-2024-22274 Exploit
This repository contains an exploit for CVE-2024-22274. The exploit creates a new user on a remote machine via SSH and then provides a root shell.
## Requirements
- Go (Golang) installed on your machine. You can download it from [here](https://golang.org/dl/).
- A remote machine with SSH access.
## Compilation
1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Mustafa1986/CVE-2024-22274-RCE.git
cd CVE-2024-22274-RCE
2. Install the required packages:
go mod init cve-2024-22274
go mod tidy
go get golang.org/x/crypto/ssh
go get golang.org/x/term
3. Compile the Go program:
go build -o cve-2024-22274-rce main.go
## Usage
1. Run the compiled program:
2. Follow the prompts:
- Enter the host address of the target machine.
- Enter the SSH port (default is 22).
- Enter the SSH username of the target machine.
- Enter the SSH password of the target machine.
- Enter the new username you want to create.
- Enter the new password for the new user.
3. After the user is created, you will get a root shell on the target machine. You can execute commands as the new user.
## Example
[+] CVE-2024-22274 by Mustafa
[-] Enter host address:
[-] Enter port (default 22): 22
[-] Enter SSH username: root
[-] Enter SSH password: ********
[-] Enter new username: newuser
[-] Enter new password: ********
[+] Connected to via SSH
[+] Created user newuser on
[+] Connected user newuser via SSH
[+] Root-shell# (type 'exit' to quit):
This code is for educational purposes only. Use it responsibly and only on systems you have permission to test.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
[4.0K] /data/pocs/c9955679bef94d8eb74d4894541c2e3919776add
├── [4.9M] cve-2024-22274-rce
├── [ 148] go.mod
├── [ 467] go.sum
├── [3.2K] main.go
└── [1.8K] README.md
0 directories, 5 files
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