POC详情: d4fddb10ad3c96bdb4a24da75aed619d85f9a97d

标题: 7zip NArchive::NHfs::CHandler::ExtractZlibFile方法基于堆的缓冲区溢出漏洞 (CVE-2016-2334)
描述:7-Zip是一套免费的、开源的压缩/解压缩软件。 7-Zip [32] 15.05 beta版本和[64] 9.20版本的NArchive::NHfs::CHandler::ExtractZlibFile方法中存在基于堆的缓冲区溢出漏洞。攻击者可利用该漏洞执行任意代码。
Exploiting CVE-2016-2334 7zip HFS+ vulnerability
# Exploiting CVE-2016-2334 7zip HFS+ vulnerability
> Script used to generate HFS+ file

> WinDbg js script.

After loading script, setup allocation hook in the following way:

> bp ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap "pt \"dx Debugger.State.Scripts.heap.Contents.handleRtlHeapAlloc();g\""

Next you can list heap chunks with information about allocated there object :
0:000> !heap -x 0x003a9bb0  
Entry     User      Heap      Segment       Size  PrevSize  Unused    Flags
003a9ba8  003a9bb0  00340000  00340000     10028        d8        18  busy extra fill 		

0:000> dx Debugger.State.Scripts.heap.Contents.showHeap("00340000")

004e9bc0 2005 001b  [00]   004e9bc8    10010 - (busy) - 05 7z!CBuffer<unsigned char>::CBuffer<unsigned char>
004f9be8 7c1a 2005  [00]   004f9bf0    3e0c8 - (free)
00537cb8 0011 7c1a  [00]   00537cc0    00070 - (busy) - 05 7z!CObjectVector<NArchive::NHfs::CItem>::AddNew
00537d40 0011 0011  [00]   00537d48    00070 - (busy) - 05 7z!CObjectVector<NArchive::NHfs::CItem>::AddNew
00537dc8 0006 0011  [00]   00537dd0    00016 - (busy) - 05 7z!UString::ReAlloc2
00537df8 0011 0006  [00]   00537e00    00070 - (busy) - 05 7z!CObjectVector<NArchive::NHfs::CItem>::AddNew
00537e80 000b 0011  [00]   00537e88    0003c - (busy) - 05 7z!UString::ReAlloc2
00537ed8 0011 000b  [00]   00537ee0    00070 - (busy) - 05 7z!CObjectVector<NArchive::NHfs::CItem>::AddNew
00537f60 0006 0011  [00]   00537f68    00012 - (busy) - 05 7z!UString::ReAlloc2
00537f90 0011 0006  [00]   00537f98    00070 - (busy) - 05 7z!CObjectVector<NArchive::NHfs::CItem>::AddNew
00538018 0004 0011  [00]   00538020    00008 - (busy) - 05 7z!CRecordVector<NArchive::NCramfs::CItem>::ReserveOnePosition


Looking just for an allocated objects with vftable ? No problem:

0:000> Debugger.State.Scripts.heap.Contents.showObjects("00480000")

        00538830 0007 000b  [00]   00538838    00020 - (busy)          7z_exe!COutFileStream::`vftable'
00 ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap
01 ntdll!RtlpAllocateHeap
02 ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
03 MSVCR120!malloc
04 7z_exe!operator new
05 7z_exe!CArchiveExtractCallback::GetStream
06 7z!NArchive::NHfs::CHandler::Extract
07 7z_exe!DecompressArchive
08 7z_exe!Extract
09 7z_exe!Main2
0a 7z_exe!main
0b 7z_exe!__tmainCRTStartup
0c kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk
0d ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart
0e ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart

        005388e8 0009 000e  [00]   005388f0    00030 - (busy)          7z!CExtentsStream::`vftable'
00 ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap
01 ntdll!RtlpAllocateHeap
02 ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
03 MSVCR120!malloc
04 7z!operator new
05 7z!NArchive::NHfs::CHandler::GetForkStream
06 7z!NArchive::NHfs::CHandler::ExtractZlibFile
07 7z!NArchive::NHfs::CHandler::Extract
08 7z_exe!DecompressArchive
09 7z_exe!Extract
0a 7z_exe!Main2
0b 7z_exe!main
0c 7z_exe!__tmainCRTStartup
0d kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk
0e ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart
0f ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart


[4.0K] /data/pocs/d4fddb10ad3c96bdb4a24da75aed619d85f9a97d ├── [7.3K] heap.js ├── [ 15K] hfsGenerator.py ├── [3.5K] HFSPlus.bt └── [3.1K] README.md 0 directories, 4 files
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