Caldera 安全漏洞
描述:Caldera是法国Caldera公司的一套能够为打印机设备提供色彩管理、成像和处理解决方案的软件。 Caldera 2.8.1版本存在安全漏洞,该漏洞源于软件没有正确地隔离用户权限,导致非管理员用户有权读取和修改配置或其他应该只有管理员用户才能访问的组件。
CVE-2021-42562: Improper Access Control in MITRE Caldera
# CVE-2021-42562: Improper Access Control in MITRE Caldera
Caldera (versions <=2.8.1) does not properly segregate user privileges, resulting in non-admin users having access to read and modify configuration or other components which should only be accessible by admin users.
### Vendor Disclosure:
The vendor's disclosure for this vulnerability can be found [here](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2021-42562).
### Requirements:
This vulnerability requires:
- Valid non-admin user credentials
### Proof Of Concept:
More details and the exploitation process can be found in this [PDF](https://github.com/mbadanoiu/CVE-2021-42562/blob/main/Caldera%20-%20CVE-2021-42562.pdf).
### Additional Resources:
This vulnerability allows a non-admin user to exploit the vulnerability [CVE-2021-42559: Command Injection via Configurations in MITRE Caldera](https://github.com/mbadanoiu/CVE-2021-42559) in order to achieve remote code execution.
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├── [319K] Caldera - CVE-2021-42562.pdf
└── [ 965] README.md
0 directories, 2 files
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