POC详情: e38a47eeafb838603969f523697b26bf6aa98f06

标题: Adobe Flex SDK跨站脚本漏洞 (CVE-2011-2461)
描述:Adobe Flex SDK 4.6之前的4.x版本以及3.x版本中存在跨站脚本漏洞。远程攻击者可以借助与不同域的模块下载相关的向量注入任意web脚本或者HTML。
ParrotNG is a tool capable of identifying Adobe Flex  applications (SWF) vulnerable to CVE-2011-2461
# ParrotNG ![ParrotNG Logo](http://i.imgur.com/Ek8SGIit.png "ParrotNG Logo")

ParrotNG is a tool capable of identifying Adobe Flex applications (SWF) vulnerable to [CVE-2011-2461](https://www.adobe.com/support/security/bulletins/apsb11-25.html). For more details, please refer to the slides of our [Troopers 2015 talk](http://www.slideshare.net/ikkisoft/the-old-is-new-again-cve20112461-is-back).

Download the latest release from [HERE](https://github.com/ikkisoft/ParrotNG/releases).


* Written in Java, based on [swfdump](http://www.swftools.org/swfdump.html)
* One JAR, two flavors: command line utility and [Burp Pro](http://portswigger.net/burp/editions.html) Passive Scanner plugin 
* Detection of SWF files compiled with either a vulnerable Flex SDK version, patched by [Adobe's tool](http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-builder/kb/flex-security-issue-apsb11-25.html) or not affected

##How To Use - Command Line

1. Download the latest ParrotNG from the release page
2. Simply use the following command:
$ java -jar parrotng_v0.2.jar <SWF File | Directory>
The tool accepts a single SWF file or an entire directory.

![ParrotNG CmdLine](http://i.imgur.com/1JT4CtH.png "ParrotNGCmdLine")

##How To Use - Burp Pro Passive Scanner Plugin

1. Download the latest ParrotNG from the release page
2. Load Burp Suite Professional
3. From the _Extender_ tab in Burp Suite,  add [parrotng_v0.2.jar](https://github.com/ikkisoft/ParrotNG/releases) as a standard Java-based Burp Extension
4. Enable [Burp Scanner Passive Scanning](http://portswigger.net/burp/help/scanner_scanmodes.html)
5. Browse your target web application. All SWF files passing through Burp Suite are automatically analyzed  

![ParrotNG Burp](http://i.imgur.com/thAkkMB.png "ParrotNGBurp")


[4.0K] /data/pocs/e38a47eeafb838603969f523697b26bf6aa98f06 ├── [4.0K] documents │   ├── [ 34K] gpl.txt │   ├── [1.3K] readme.txt │   └── [1.7M] Troopers 2015 - The old is new, again. CVE-2011-2461 is back!.pdf ├── [ 34K] LICENSE ├── [1.7K] README.md └── [4.0K] src ├── [4.0K] burp │   └── [7.6K] BurpExtender.java └── [4.0K] org └── [4.0K] nibblesec └── [4.0K] tools └── [9.0K] ParrotNG.java 6 directories, 7 files
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