POC详情: eac7642a3573e55415674474fd14890f77de97d7

标题: GNU glibc 权限许可和访问控制问题漏洞 (CVE-2018-1000001)
描述:GNU glibc(又名GNU C Library,libc6)是一种按照LGPL许可协议发布的开源免费的C语言编译程序。 GNU glibc 2.26及之前版本中存在本地提权漏洞。本地攻击者可利用该漏洞获取提升的权限,执行任意代码。
glibc getcwd() local privilege escalation compiled binaries
# glibc - 'getcwd()' Local Privilege Escalation 

    __All rights to the exploit writer. I have just compiled and organized a repository for this CVE.__

CVE: 2018-1000001
Alias: RationalLove

* exploit-debian - Exploit compiled in debian x64
* exploit-ubuntu - Exploit compiled in ubuntu x64

# Am I vulnerable?
To discover if the machine is vulnerable:
dpkg --list | grep -i libc6

If your libc6 package is:
* 2.24-11+deb9u1 for Debian Stretch
* 2.23-0ubuntu9 for Ubuntu Xenial Xerus

Then you're probably vulnerable. 

If you are lazy, I developed a shell script to check if your machine is vulnerable.

It is in this repository, and it is named `vulncheck.sh`. You can use it to determine if the public exploit will work or not based on the libc6 package.

# Exploitation
Simply drop the binary into the vulnerable system and execute it to get root.
![Exploit](/img/photo_2018-02-06_19-28-12.jpg?raw=true "CVE-2018-1000001 In action")

# Remediation
It is recommended immediate patch of libc package using `apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y`

[4.0K] /data/pocs/eac7642a3573e55415674474fd14890f77de97d7 ├── [ 36K] 43775.c ├── [ 33K] exploit-debian ├── [ 33K] exploit-ubuntu ├── [4.0K] img │   └── [ 84K] photo_2018-02-06_19-28-12.jpg ├── [1.1K] README.md └── [ 812] vulncheck.sh 1 directory, 6 files
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