POC详情: f17b1de07962c1d40239486174eb15bdb40e80cd

标题: GitLab 安全漏洞 (CVE-2023-7028)
描述:GitLab是美国GitLab公司的一个开源的端到端软件开发平台,具有内置的版本控制、问题跟踪、代码审查、CI/CD(持续集成和持续交付)等功能。 GitLab 存在安全漏洞,该漏洞源于用户帐户密码重置电子邮件可能会发送到未经验证的电子邮件地址。
# CVE-2023-7028 Exploit - GitLab Password Reset Poisoning Vulnerability

## Overview
This repository contains an exploit for **CVE-2023-7028**, a critical vulnerability in **GitLab** that allows an attacker to abuse the password reset functionality and take over accounts, including administrator accounts.

## Vulnerability Details
- **CVE**: CVE-2023-7028
- **Affected Component**: `/users/password` endpoint in GitLab
- **Impact**: Account Takeover via Password Reset Poisoning
- **Requirements**: Target email address and an attacker-controlled email address

## Exploit Requirements
- Python 3.x
- `requests` library

## Installation
pip install requests

## Usage
python3 attack.py -u <gitlab_url> -t <target_email> -e <attacker_email>
python3 attack.py -u http://example.com -t victim@mail.gitlab.thm -e attacker@mail.gitlab.thm

## Expected Output
The exploit will send password reset emails to both the victim and the attacker's email addresses. Once executed successfully, check the attacker's mailbox for a password reset link.

## Manual Password Reset
1. Open the attacker's mailbox.
2. Look for an email titled **Reset password instructions**.
3. Click the **Reset password** link.
4. Set a new password and gain access to the target account (default admin username is `root`).

## License
This exploit is intended for educational and authorized testing purposes only.

## Disclaimer
Use this code responsibly. Unauthorized access to systems is illegal.


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