POC详情: fb6ba04f17227ece328e4d94f97b3e44c6d00717

标题: WordPress plugin WBW Product Table PRO SQL注入漏洞 (CVE-2024-43918)
描述:WordPress和WordPress plugin都是WordPress基金会的产品。WordPress是一套使用PHP语言开发的博客平台。该平台支持在PHP和MySQL的服务器上架设个人博客网站。WordPress plugin是一个应用插件。 WordPress plugin WBW Product Table PRO 1.9.4及之前版本存在SQL注入漏洞,该漏洞源于对特殊元素的不当中和,允许SQL注入。
WBW Product Table Pro <= 1.9.4 - Unauthenticated Arbitrary SQL Execution to RCE
# Wordpress WBW Product Table Pro <= 1.9.4 - Unauthenticated Arbitrary SQL Execution to Remote Code Execution

[CVE-2024-43918](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-43918) The WBW Product Table Pro plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized arbitrary SQL Execution due to a missing capability check on a function in all versions up to, and including, 1.9.4. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to execute arbitrary SQL queries that can be used to steal sensitive data or gain elevated access to a vulnerable site.

For more wordpress exploits and exclusive ones contact me on telegram [@KtN1990](https://t.me/KtN1990).

## Usage

To run this exploit you need to have python 3 and websites list then execute

  python3 exploit.py -l list.txt -t 100

## Contact

- [@KtN1990](https://t.me/KtN1990)
## More Exploits, Check Megatron!


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## Demo

[![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](https://i.ytimg.com/vi_webp/irrh91Iaz7c/mqdefault.webp)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irrh91Iaz7c)

## License


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