POC详情: fbde588ac2f7fb10a522d9552884f709bb84d4e8

标题: Rejetto HTTP File Server‘ParserLib.pas’代码注入漏洞 (CVE-2014-6287)
描述:HTTP File Server是一款专为个人用户所设计的HTTP文件服务器,它提供虚拟档案系统,支持新增、移除虚拟档案资料夹等。 Rejetto HTTP File Server 2.3c及之前版本中的parserLib.pas文件中的‘findMacroMarker’函数中存在安全漏洞,该漏洞源于parserLib.pas文件没有正确处理空字节。远程攻击者可借助搜索操作中的‘%00’序列利用该漏洞执行任意程序。
Rejetto http File Server 2.3.x (Reverse shell)
### Poc exploit(bash script)
### About the exploit
You can get reverse shell with .sh file (in Linux)<br>
You can get reverse shell with .py file in (Windows and Linux) (in windows, you need to install netcat)<br>

You must specify the url<br>

example: http://target.com/<br>

* using for .py:<br>
python exploit.py<br>

* using for .sh:<br>
chmod +x exploit.sh<br>

##### Exploit Title: CVE-2014-6287 | Reverse shell for (Rejetto http File Server 2.3.x)<br>
***Author: Tabun***
# POC part 1:
### (without exploit,long explanation, a lot of details)
1. To use this vulnerability, we first need a powershell reverse shell. As you can see,<br>
   we converted it to "UTF-16LE" format with the iconv tool and parse it as hexadecimal with the xxd tool.
3. We can take a long look at this with xxd, but we need the raw hex code,<br>
   so we converted it to "UTF-16LE" format again and we got raw hex codes using the hexdump tool.
5. Finally, we converted the raw hex codes into our part of payload with base64 encode (xxd and base64 were used)<br>
# POC part 2:
### (without exploit,long explanation, a lot of details)
1. Using ?search with %00, we specified the Powershell path,<br>
   entered the base64 code and break the system with netcat.

[4.0K] /data/pocs/fbde588ac2f7fb10a522d9552884f709bb84d4e8 ├── [1.7K] exploit.py ├── [1.7K] exploit.sh ├── [1.0K] LICENSE ├── [1.6K] README.md └── [ 631] readme.txt 0 directories, 5 files
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