POC详情: fc6927b089d9a5fe30ae31424c26ce43329d514d

标题: D-Link DNS-320 命令注入漏洞 (CVE-2024-3273)
描述:D-Link DNS-320是中国友讯(D-Link)公司的一款NAS(网络附属存储)设备。 D-Link DNS-320L存在命令注入漏洞,该漏洞源于文件/cgi-bin/nas_sharing.cgi存在命令注入漏洞。受影响的产品和版本:D-Link DNS-320L,DNS-325,DNS-327,DNS-340L,D-Link NAS Storage。
# 🛠️ CVE-2024-3273 Exploit
## 🌟 Description
This script is a powerful exploitation tool for the CVE-2024-3273 vulnerability found in specific versions of D-Link NAS devices. It enables command execution and unauthorized access to the affected devices.
## ⚙️ Installation
To set up the exploitation tool, follow these steps:
1. **Download the repository**:
|:--------------- |
2. **Navigate to the tool's directory**:
cd CVE-2024-3273
3. **Install the required Python packages**:
pip install -r requirements.txt
## 🚀 Usage
To use the tool, run the script from the command line as follows:
python exploit.py [options]
### Options
- **-u, --url**:
  Specify the target URL or IP address.
- **-f, --file**:
  Specify a file containing a list of URLs to scan.
- **-t, --threads**:
  Set the number of threads for concurrent scanning.
- **-o, --output**:
  Define an output file to save the scan results.
When a single URL is provided with the `-u` option and the target is vulnerable, the script will attempt to open an interactive shell.
### Example
$ python3 exploit.py -u
[+] Command executed successfully.
[!] is vulnerable to CVE-2024-3273: uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
[+] Opening interactive shell...
$ id
[+] Command executed successfully.
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
## 📊 Mass Scanning
For mass scanning, use the `-f` option with a file containing URLs. The tool will scan each URL and print concise results, indicating whether each target is vulnerable.
python exploit.py -f urls.txt
## 🗒️ Affected Versions
The vulnerability affects the following versions of D-Link NAS devices:
- DNS-320L Version 1.11, Version 1.03.0904.2013, Version 1.01.0702.2013
- DNS-325 Version 1.01
- DNS-327L Version 1.09, Version 1.00.0409.2013
- DNS-340L Version 1.08
These systems are considered to be end-of-life (EOL), meaning they are no longer supported or receiving updates from the manufacturer. It is strongly recommended that these systems are no longer used.
## 🛡️ Disclaimer
Use this tool responsibly and ethically. Always obtain proper authorization before testing any system for vulnerabilities.
## 👏 Acknowledgments
Special thanks to the researcher [@netsecfish](https://github.com/netsecfish) for their work in identifying this vulnerability.

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