A tool to discover Juniper firewalls vulnerable to CVE-2023-36845
# Vulnerability Scanner for Juniper CVE-2023-36845
This vulnerability scanner can be used to scan Juniper firewalls to determine if they are vulnerable to [CVE-2023-36845](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2023-36845). Because this is built on top of [go-exploit](https://github.com/vulncheck-oss/go-exploit), this scanner has two phases:
* Target verification to ensure the target is a potentially impacted Juniper firewall.
* Target exploitation in which the scanner sends an `LD_PRELOAD` message to generate a (harmless) error message from vulnerable systems.
For more details on exploiting CVE-2023-36845 see our blog, [Fileless Remote Code Execution on Juniper Firewalls](https://vulncheck.com/blog/juniper-cve-2023-36845/).
## Compiling
You can use the makefile to build a docker container:
make docker
Or, if you have a Go build environment ready to go, just use `make`:
albinolobster@mournland:~/cve-2023-36845-scanner$ make
gofmt -d -w scan.go
golangci-lint run --fix scan.go
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build -o build/scan_linux-arm64 scan.go
## Usage
The tool is built on top of [go-exploit](https://github.com/vulncheck-oss/go-exploit), so there are multipe ways to provide targets to scan. A full description can be found in the project's [scanning documentation](https://github.com/vulncheck-oss/go-exploit/blob/main/docs/scanning.md). However, the following shows some examples:
### Scanning One Host
$ ./build/scan_linux-arm64 -a -v -e -rhost -log-json=true | jq 'select(.msg == "Vulnerable")'
"time": "2023-09-16T06:18:01.964471183-04:00",
"level": "SUCCESS",
"msg": "Vulnerable",
"vulnerable": true,
"rhost": "",
"rport": 80
### Scanning Multiple Hosts
$ ./build/scan_linux-arm64 -a -v -e -rhosts,
time=2023-09-16T06:19:26.592-04:00 level=STATUS msg="Starting target" index=0 host= port=80 ssl=false "ssl auto"=true
time=2023-09-16T06:19:36.607-04:00 level=STATUS msg="Validating JunOS Web Interface target" host= port=80
time=2023-09-16T06:19:37.528-04:00 level=SUCCESS msg="Target validation succeeded!" host= port=80
time=2023-09-16T06:19:37.574-04:00 level=SUCCESS msg=Vulnerable vulnerable=true rhost= rport=80
time=2023-09-16T06:19:37.575-04:00 level=STATUS msg="Exploit successfully completed"
time=2023-09-16T06:19:37.575-04:00 level=STATUS msg="Starting target" index=1 host= port=80 ssl=false "ssl auto"=true
time=2023-09-16T06:19:37.575-04:00 level=STATUS msg="Validating JunOS Web Interface target" host= port=80
time=2023-09-16T06:19:37.576-04:00 level=ERROR msg="The target isn't recognized as JunOS Web Interface, quitting" host= port=80
### Scanning a File of Hosts Using a Proxy (and logging to file)
go-exploit provides the ability to scan via a provided target csv, where the csv is: `host, port, anything if ssl is enabled` (although the SSL field is ignored if -a is used). Please see the scanning documentation for full details. It also provides the ability to scan through a proxy. The command works like so:
$ ./build/scan_linux-arm64 -v -e -rhosts-file ~/junos/junos.targets.csv -proxy socks5:// -log-file vulnscan.json
$ tail vulnscan.json
time=2023-09-17T05:11:19.256-04:00 level=STATUS msg="Starting target" index=0 host=x port=443 ssl=true "ssl auto"=false
time=2023-09-17T05:11:19.256-04:00 level=STATUS msg="Validating JunOS Web Interface target" host=x port=443
time=2023-09-17T05:11:29.257-04:00 level=ERROR msg="HTTP request error: Get \"https://x:443/\": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)"
time=2023-09-17T05:11:29.257-04:00 level=ERROR msg="The target isn't recognized as JunOS Web Interface, quitting" host=x port=443
time=2023-09-17T05:11:29.257-04:00 level=STATUS msg="Starting target" index=1 host=x port=80 ssl=false "ssl auto"=false
time=2023-09-17T05:11:29.257-04:00 level=STATUS msg="Validating JunOS Web Interface target" host=xport=80
[4.0K] /data/pocs/fcad82a89a9ed246404ba23da477a37e4faf0f87
├── [ 466] Dockerfile
├── [ 877] go.mod
├── [4.7K] go.sum
├── [ 11K] LICENSE
├── [2.1K] Makefile
├── [4.0K] README.md
└── [3.4K] scan.go
0 directories, 7 files
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